José Morales
Aug 16, 20212 min read
Happy Memorial Day
In recent years, a number of veterans of the armed forces in the United States have been confronted with a small, albeit important,...
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Deep-diving on all things pop culture related, again…
Joining the ranks of legendary Hollywood sequels like Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and The Godfather II, StrawHatRican’s Beach House 2.0 is the sequel to a very old Blogger site that may or may not have been abandoned by its creators.
But from the ashes of lethargy comes a new hope to consume as much pop culture as possible, and complain (or praise when earned) about it!
Gaming, reviews, political commentary, and more - leaving no stone unturned, and no take, however wild it may be, unappreciated.
Thanks for your interest in the blog. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!